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During the week of March 10th, students in Mrs. Celia Randesi-Temple’s Italian classes stepped Italian cookingaway from traditional classroom learning to immerse themselves in the most cherished aspects of Italian culture—family, food, and love. With the help of her daughter, mother, and a family friend, Mrs. Randesi-Temple led her students through a hands-on experience in making authentic Italian cuisine from scratch.

The students learned how to prepare pasta dough and operate a pasta machine, craft two types of Italian cookinggnocchi dough, and roll out gnocchi by hand. They also made a variety of classic Italian dishes, including homemade meatballs, red sauce, pesto, and manicotti, as well as traditional desserts. Nearly every recipe came from Mrs. Randesi-Temple’s family or close family friends, adding a personal and authentic touch to the experience.

On the fourth day, students gathered to enjoy a “family” meal together, celebrating their hard work and savoring the fruits of their labor. They also had the opportunity to taste Italian espresso, l’orzo (a traditional barley-based drink), prosciutto wrapped around Parmigiano, and, of course, un bel pezzo di pane—a nice piece of bread!

This marks the sixth year Mrs. Randesi-Temple has shared her passion for Italian family traditions and cooking with her students, a tradition she hopes to continue for years to come. The event would not have been possible without the generosity of an anonymous donor who funded all the ingredients. A heartfelt grazie di cuore (thank you from the bottom of our hearts) goes to Ms. Andrea Folli for accommodating the room switch and to Ms. Brittany Sharpe for sharing supplies.

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Italian cookingThrough this unforgettable experience, students learned about Italian cuisine and gained a deeper appreciation for the culture’s emphasis on togetherness, tradition, and love.