Art Department (Visual and Media Arts)
Creating a work of art involves using a complex combination of subject knowledge, personal perceptions, problem-solving, sensitivity to materials, creativity/innovation, and communication skills. Each UEHS art class is designed to provide experiences that help students build new knowledge and skills while challenging them to develop unique expressive objects that reflect their own experiences and interests and voice. Individual attention is an essential component of art instruction at UEHS and all art classes are structured to encourage students to interact with the teacher as much as possible in developing their work. All art classes end with a final exam other final assessment (written test, portfolio review, culminating task, etc.).
Meet our Teachers
Union-Endicott High School
Mr. Thomas Baleno contact
Studio in Art; Music, Art & Computers (MAC)
Ms. Cindy Henry contact
AP Art and Design (2-D and Drawing), Drawing, Advanced Drawing, Photography, Advanced Photography
Mr. Trevor Herceg contact
Studio in Art, Ceramics, Jewelry, Sculpture
Mrs. Diane Golden contact
Painting, MAC, Computer Graphics, Social Justice through Art and Literature
Jennie F. Snapp Middle School
Mr. John Rodrigues contact
Ms. Anna Strattan contact
Mr. Trevor Herceg contact