The UE Varsity Girls Bowling team is heading to the state qualifier. The girls bowled a series total of 2728, tying their second-best series of the season. The team's 2728 series was third out of 27 teams that competed at sectionals.
Hannah Korell led with a 225-high game and 590 series. Korell was a medalist for bowling the third-highest game in Class A and finished with the fourth-highest series. Brooke Patterson added a 195 high game and 567 series and Colleen McGuinness tacked on a 207 high game and 535 series.
The Tigers will bowl head-to-head against Elmira on February 28 at State Qualifiers at Valley Bowling Center to represent Section IV in the D1 NYS Bowling State Championship.
Boys Varsity Bowling finished fourth in Section IV Class A. They were paced by AJ Walker who bowled a 267 high game and a 680 series. He earned a medal, tying for third in Class A and his 680 was good for the fifth-highest series. AJ will represent UE on February 27 at the state qualifier, vying for a sport on the Section IV D1 Composite All-Star Team in the NYS Bowling State Championship.