student summit

Recently, our district hosted another inspiring segment of Student Summits, bringing together 24 students from Tiger Ventures and 69 students from CFJ and GFJ to foster a positive school student summitculture in their buildings.

This was the second summit of the school year, and while the format remains consistent, each summit is uniquely tailored to reflect feedback from student surveys at each school. These surveys shape the discussion questions, ensuring that the topics resonate with the specific needs and experiences of the participants.

During the summits, students collaborate in groups to identify a main theme for their discussions and work with facilitators to develop action plans with goals for the school year and beyond. student summit

What makes these summits truly special is the platform they provide for students to directly share their thoughts, experiences, and aspirations with teachers and school leaders. This dialogue promotes a culture of openness, inclusivity, and collaboration that reflects the heart of our schools.

 Student voices matter—they shape the future of education and inspire meaningful change. We’re so proud of the students who participated and the positive impact these summits continue to have!

student summitstudent summit student summit