Italian club

The Union-Endicott Italian Club has been involved with many community service activities and Italian clubcultural events this school year!

While some students spent a day in New York City, enjoying an Italian meal and a wonderful Broadway Show (The Great Gatsby), others sold homemade desserts at the Harvest Festival. The Italian Club also collected nonperishable food items for a local food pantry, and two teams participated in the UEEF Trivia Night! While celebrating the holiday season with a Christmas party, students prepared goody bags for a local nursing home, wrote Christmas cards for 38 residents, prepared gifts, and played traditional Italian games (cards and Tombola). Students then spent an evening at Brookdale Castle Garden where they sang Christmas Carols and delivered the cards and gifts. Both students and residents enjoyed singing together.

The UE Italian Club will continue to follow its motto of "culture, tradition, and community service" with a bottle drive to benefit the Mercy House on Saturday, January 10 (snow date is 1/18) at the U-E District Office from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Buone Feste e Felice Anno Nuovo! (Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!)

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Italian club