STEAM night

The U-E Technology and Engineering Department recently hosted its annual STEAM Night, providing students, friends, and family with an engaging opportunity to delve into the realms of science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) and understand its crucial role in the global economy.

STEAM NightThe evening began with an inspiring talk by Jamie Greco, a 1995 UEHS graduate and now a general sculpting senior manager at General Motors. Greco emphasized the interdisciplinary nature of STEAM, highlighted various career paths within the field, and stressed the importance of continued education, whether through college, trades, or military service. He pointed out that careers in STEAM are vast and ever-present.

STEAM NightAfter Greco's presentation, attendees moved to the tech lab, where they had the unique opportunity to experience a flight simulator, the only one of its kind in the area. This simulator offered a hands-on look at aviation and demonstrated the practical applications of technology.

Students in the STEAM program proudly showcased their projects. Freshman Joe Chicuorka Joedisplayed his impressive work on a refurbished fire truck, while other projects featured welding, custom metal signs, and carpentry work, all crafted within the high school's tech wing.

The event's success was largely attributed to the dedication and expertise of tech teachers Corey Munn, Mike Wichowski, and Tom Palazzo, whose guidance and efforts were instrumental in bringing STEAM Night to life.