
UEHS students have been learning about the importance of literacy and reading to young children readingin their child development class taught by Lisa Chavez.

To help them gain hands-on experience, the students traveled to GFJ to read to kindergartners. After choosing a book, UEHS librarian Jessilyn Afarian provided a lesson on how to read aloud effectively. She stressed how understanding pacing, tone, and engagement can make a huge difference in capturing the attention of young listeners In addition, students created storyboards that added an interactive element to the story.

For the students, this activity reinforces their literacy skills and teaches them how to engage and interact with younger audiences. Reading aloud to kindergarten classes allows high school students to practice their newfound skills while fostering community and mentorship within the school. The kindergarten students were thrilled to have older students visit and share stories with them. It was a win-win for everyone involved!

