
Second-grade students had a special visitor when Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo visited to read to students for Ag-in-the-Classroom Agriculture Literacy Week. Students have been learning about strawberries, including where they grow and how to start a strawberry plant.

AG in the Classroom Educator Sarah Atwood joined Lupardo in reading “I Love Strawberries,” by Shannon Anderson. After reading the book, everyone enjoyed strawberries with caramel rice cakes. 

Ag-in-the-Classroom Established in 1985, New York Agriculture in the Classroom (NYAITC) is a partnership of Cornell University, the NYS Department of Ag & Markets, the NYS Education Department, Cornell Cooperative Extension, and the New York Farm Bureau. Its mission is to foster awareness, understanding, and appreciation of how we produce food and fiber, what we eat, and how we live, by helping educators, students, and their communities learn about and engage with agriculture and food systems. 
