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Collaborating with community organizations and businesses provides much-needed resources for our U-E families. Before the holiday break, the U-E Family Support Center received hundreds of donated food items and personal care products from two organizations.

The George F. Johnson Memorial Library works to give back to the community by participating in “The Great Give Back” each year.

Kathryn Mills with the library said, “The mission of The Great Give Back is to provide a day of opportunities for the patrons of the Public Libraries of New York to participate in meaningful, service-oriented experiences.”

This year the library held a supply drive to collect items for families in need in the Union-Endicott and Maine-Endwell school districts. They delivered 314 personal care items and 286 nonperishable food items to the school districts through generous donations from our community.

Crown, Cork, and Seal, located in Nichols, held a food and personal care items drive in December. Organized by Sarah Talcott, the company’s human resources coordinator, employees donated hundreds of food and hygiene items that were delivered before the holiday break. Thank you to both organizations for their generosity and support of our Tiger families.