For the last few weeks, CFJ students have been learning about responsibility. They discussed what it means to be responsible, and ways they can show responsibility. A point system is kept for each class and when a student does something responsible, they receive a scratch-off card, and each card is worth 5 points for the class. Classes that earned at least 30 points got to vote on what CFJ principal JonMichael Shea would wear for his Halloween costume! The five classes were Mrs. Spalik, Mrs. Frieser, Mrs. McNamara, Mrs. Lemon-Hoyt, and Mrs. Yacobelli.

An assembly was held where the fifth-grade chorus sang a responsibility song and students were celebrated for being responsible. Then the five classes chose what Mr. Shea would wear and it was a banana. Mr. Shea found that very “a-peeling!”

Learning character traits is an important part of the day-to-day learning that happens in school. Making it fun just adds to that learning!