GOCET presentation

Ithaca College president Dr. La Jerne Terry Cornish visited UEHS to talk to GOCET (Girls of Color Empowerment Team, AKA Girl Squad) about her life story from becoming a teacher, then a  principal, to a professor, and now the President of Ithaca College. Joining her was executive assistant MaryAnn Taylor who is a UEHS Class of 1977 graduate.

From working hard to making and achieving goals, Dr. Cornish emphasized the value of an education and graduating from high school.

She talked about the importance of media literacy and being an informed consumer, how time on your phone and social media affects you, and the benefits and challenges of using AI. 

A few important points she made were, “When preparation meets opportunity, you will be the choice.” And “How you start does not determine how you finish. The best is yet to come; you just need to believe that it is possible.”

 Following her talk, she answered questions and invited the group to Ithaca College for a campus tour.  Thank you to UEHS Spanish teacher Cristina FloresMeyer for arranging this
