garden collage

GFJ Garden Club met on October 18th to celebrate the newly installed Berry Fence, made possible by a grant from the Central NY Rural Health Network.

We were joined by Hannah Rion from the Rural Health Network and two Americorp volunteers.

Students and adults made clay ornaments that will be attached to the fence this spring. This fence was needed to help keep pesky deer out that were eating the new growth on the raspberry bushes, stunting their production of flowers that lead to raspberries.

It was a beautiful fall day, so the group also planted garlic for next June's harvest and made apple cider with an apple press. They also harvested the club’s first-ever sweet potatoes, plus some other fall-hardy herbs and vegetables.

Garden Club thanks all the adult volunteers, the Central NY Rural Health Network, the Endwell Garden Club, the Hooper Rd Weiss, and the GFJ PTA for their support in making this club a success. The group is already planning for next year’s growing season! 

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