8th gr visit

Preparing current eighth-grade students for high school began last week when the JFS students traveled to UEHS to meet staff, and students and tour the building.

After a brief overview of what the freshmen year will look like, current seniors talked about being a freshman, getting involved in the school community, and the importance of academics. Students discussed their struggles, stressing that teachers and counselors are there for them, and to never be afraid to ask for help.

UEHS students took the middle schoolers on a building tour, emphasizing that it is not unusual to get lost, with one senior saying, “I’ve been here four years and there are still classes I can’t find!” eight grade visit

This is the first official tour for incoming freshmen. In August, there will also be freshmen orientation where students will review their schedules, get a locker, and have the chance to tour the school again and meet students and staff.

Thank you to the UEHS students and staff who helped to welcome the JFS students.

eight grade visit