Welcome to the UEHS Library

Mission Statement

The mission of the Union-Endicott Central School District library program is to develop learners who are responsible, self-directed, and effective users of information and literature.

To realize this mission, the library program focuses on information literacy, technology use, and literature appreciation, with special emphasis on social-emotional well being. We actively collaborate with other members of the learning community to ensure that a quality collection of engaging and rich resources are available and meaningfully integrated into teaching and learning.


Please click on the box below and visit our Library Catalog to discover great books and to engage with a plethora of resources.

OPALS Library Catalog


On campus, access most UEHS databases by clicking on the CLOUD icon below,

via the Broome-Tioga BOCES database portal. 

BOCES Databases

Off campus, access a complete list and login credentials by clicking on the APPLE icon below, (must use U-E google account).

*Use MyApps for Sora (ebooks and audiobooks), Swank (movies), and TeachingBooks, among other resources.

Please contact Mrs. Afarian - jafarian@uek12.org - with questions.

Database credentials

Other resources:

Click to Access (must use U-E Google account):

Library Staff:

Jesslynn Afarian, MSLIS
School Librarian/Technology Integrator
Email Jesslynn Afarian

Jesslynn Shafer's bitmoji reading a book while carrying two others under her arm

Michelle Leonard-Brandt
Library Clerk
Email Michelle Leonard-Brandt 

Michelle Leonard-Brandt cartoon

Library Hours:
8:20am - 3:15pm
when school is in session