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Our UEHS Italian Exchange students leave for Italy on March 29 and over the last few weeks, they have been practicing their language skills to better immerse themselves while in the country.

Recently, students in Binghamton University’s Italian 251 class and their professor Rachel Samiani visited UEHS to help students practice Italian.

The UEHS library was transformed into an open market, like those in Italy.

Using fake euros and credit cards, students purchased food, desserts,

clothing, and a snack at an Italian cafe' while keeping track of their purchases and expenses.

Next students traveled to AMC in Vestal to watch “Cabrini.”

Students have been studying immigration, the American Dream, and the conditions people faced during the 1800s while traveling to and settling in America. Viewing it in both Italian and English helped deepen their understanding of the language and Italian immigration. This opportunity was provided through the generosity of an anonymous donor. The group leaves for Italy on March 29.

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Italian marketmovies