High School (9th - 12th)
About Our Programs
Union-Endicott High School offers our students a wide variety of programs. The staff works with each individual students to determine needs and interests to develop a quality academic schedule. We offer over 100 courses and several academic pathways, including a Medical Careers Pathway, Project Lead the Way, an authentic Science Research Program, BOCES Vocational Programs and Advanced Placement Courses. The high school offers a variety of diploma options including Regents, Regents with Advanced Designation and The Summa Cum Laude Diploma.
Summa Cum Laude Diploma
Union-Endicott offers a Summa Cum Laude Diploma for those students who wish to challenge themselves beyond the Regents with Advanced Designation. This diploma offers three different methods for students to achieve the necessary criteria. Students who meet the criteria in one of the three categories will receive the Summa designation on their diploma and special recognition at graduation.
Advanced Placement and College Level Courses
The High School offers thirteen Advanced Placement courses along with several courses eligible for college credit. These courses are available to students who wish to pursue a challenging academic program. Students in Advanced Placement courses will be prepared to take the AP exam related to the course, administered in early May. More than 2,900 universities and colleges grant credit to students who perform satisfactorily on the exams.
College level courses at UEHS include offerings from Foreign Language, Business, Technology and Social Studies. Credits are granted from a variety of colleges, based on the course, student achievement and a decision by the student and family to pursue the credit.
Project Lead the Way (PLTW)
Project Lead the Way is a nonprofit organization that provides transformative learning experiences for students and teachers through pathways in computer science, engineering and biomedical science. Following the PLTW path will prepare students for any profession, but especially equips them to pursue careers in any areas of STEM (science, technology, engineering, math). Successful completion of PLTW courses result in high school credits. In addition, students who achieve at high levels in the courses may be eligible for college credit from the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), one of the premier engineering schools in upstate NY.
Science Research
Our Science Research Program is an honors level program designed for students who are interested in working through a three year progression of applied scientific research methods. By the end of the three years, the students will complete a university level independent research project.
The program provides students with the opportunity to develop, with support from Union-Endicott teachers and university professionals, their independent research skills. The students are also required to present their research throughout the three years at school, regional and possibly national events. These presentations bring increased confidence in public speaking, a valuable tool as students enter college and careers.
Admission to the program is through application. SUNY Albany credit is possible for student who have successfully completed the introductory first year course as sophomores. It is possible to receive further credit for students who continue through their junior and senior years.
Medical Pathways Program
The Medical Pathways Program is designed for students with a specific interest in pursuing studies in a medical or health related profession at the collegiate level. Through a partnership with Union-Endicott High School and United Health Services, students follow a prescribed level of courses in Math, Science, English and Social Studies at UEHS and progress through a series of site based job shadowing and internship experiences at local health care facilities. Students apply to enter the program and will receive a certificate of completion and special designation on their diploma upon program completion. Our hope is to recruit and retain talented students to pursue a career in the medical/health care arena and to develop well trained health care professions who wish to return to the Southern Tier to live and work.
Students at Union-Endicott High School are able to access vocational courses at the BOCES Glenwood site. The two-year programs at BOCES serves as a foundation for developing a trade or vocation and meets 6 of the required units of high school credit. Students who are interested in attending a vocational program at BOCES should share their interest with their guidance counselor early in their school career as many of the programs are quite popular.
UEHS Guidance Office