Welcome to the Student Help Desk Homepage!

SHD is a team of students who provide technology support to the students and staff at JFS. Members volunteer during study hall and lunch. In addition to answering technology questions, the team explores new software, writes reviews, and provides feedback about technology in the building.
Meet Our Team!
Kayla F. (Available 1st and 7th period): Hi, I'm Kayla and in 8th grade. I love PowerPoint and Word, so I can help a lot of students with that. I will also learn anything new that lots of kids are using like Prezi or iMovie or anything else that pops up. I love sports, soccer, softball, football, wrestling, and more. My favorite subject is P.E. I love many varieties of music; it helps me stay focused and calm. I love country, such as "Buy me a Boat," "Cruise," and more. I'm already doing everything to help the school and the students in it, like student ambassador, and student council, and Yes! Leads, and hopefully I will do more like this in the future. I can't wait to start helping!
Ella N. (Available 9th period): My name is Ella, and I am part of the student help desk team at JFS. One of the reasons I wanted to take part in this program is because I like to be involved in things that are new and may be a help to the school in any way. I am involved in other things, such as student council, modified school sports, and now to be involved with this program. My favorite place to go in school is the library because of all the resources it provides for students. So, if you ever need any help in classes or if you have a class at the library stop in 9th period. I would be happy to help with anything!
Aidan W. (Available 5th period): Hi I'm Aidan. I'm in 6th grade. I like to use computers and program. I like computers, tech programming, and designing. My favorite color is blue, and I do Karate.
Mitchell T. (Available 9th and 5th period): Sup. My name is Mitchell. I'm in 6th grade. I have very good skills in technology because I play my computer all the time on Minecraft, Overwatch, and Roblox which you need a lot of thinking to play. Also, I'm a lot of fun because I participate in activities. I love to make jokes but not mean jokes at you.
Morgan B. (Available 4th period): Hi! My name is Morgan. Last week I got the opportunity to join the JFS Student Help Desk, and I gladly said yes. Some things to know about me are I am really involved in school, I play modified sports, I am involved in several student council committees and also, I'm in the school musical, Shrek Jr. I play the Big Bad Wolf! My favorite subject in school is music; I play cello and I sing in chorus. But my least favorite class would have to be Math, I really don't enjoy using formulas and equations, or simply taking the time to multiply when I have my calculator on me.