Welcome to the GFJ Library!

Library Mission Statement
The mission of the Union-Endicott Central School District library program is to develop 21st century learners who are responsible, self-directed, and effective users of information and literature.
Click on "GFJ Database Portal" to access our Databases!
(*You must be logged in with a Union-Endicott student or staff account to access the database portal.)
Bookflix & TrueFlix Wach and Learn Library NovelNY | PebbleGo WorldBook Rosen Interactive EBooks | GALE in Context FactCite SoundzAbound |
The Library Has Been Busy!!

Library Staff
Mrs. Moscato
GFJ Library Media Specialist
Mrs. Harmon
Teaching Assistant
Mrs. Culliton
Library Clerk
How Many Books Can I Check Out?
K - 2nd grade: 1 Book
3rd - 5th grade: 2 Books
We are tiger fierce! We are GFJ!