Charles F. Johnson Elementary Library

A cartoon tiger reading a book

Union-Endicott Central School District Library Program Mission Statement

The mission of the Union-Endicott Central School District library program is to develop 21st century learners who are responsible, self-directed, and effective users of information and literature.

To realize this mission, the library program focuses on information literacy, technology use, and literature appreciation. School librarians actively collaborate with other members of the learning community to ensure that a quality collection of vital materials, media, and tools is available and meaningfully integrated into teaching and learning.

Library Staff

Mrs. Gay
Library Teaching Assistant

Mrs. Lavo
AGM/CFJ Senior Library Clerk

How Many Books Can I Check Out? 

Kindergarten - 1 Book

1st - 5th Grade - 2 Books

Click the star to access our new Library Catalog - OPALS!

Click the star to access our new Library Catalog - OPALS! 

Databases & Websites

Sora Access in My Apps

Access in My Apps

Brain Pop Products are in MyApps

BrainPop Products

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